N088 U.S. 1863 Civil War Liberty Head Token

US Medal-Token

N088-US-Civil War Token
During the Civil War, many citizens were uncertain about the future and began to horde official US coins made from gold and silver. This resulted in a shortage of coinage, to the point where virtually all coins were out of circulation by the end of 1862. This was hard on the economy, as many shops couldn't make change on purchases so people would stop buying things all together. To assist with business transactions, many merchants contracted private coin-makers to create small tokens that could be redeemed for merchandise, services, or currency. These penny-sized coins eventually came to be known as Civil War Tokens and they helped keep the Union's economy on its feet. It is estimated that at least 25 million Civil War tokens were produced, with over 8500 distinct types cataloged, including patriotic themes and iconography that was more specific to the business who created it. The tokens were banned in 1864 and new government-issued cents were minted.
This coin features a bust of Lady Liberty surrounded by the words "United We Stand, Divided We Fall." This phrase was used in early American History as a rallying cry for the colonies to join forces and defeat the British Army. This coin is drawing on a similar sentiment as by 1863, the American Civil War was in full swing and many citizens recognized that the US was a stronger country when the Union and the Confederacy were united.
Civil War