N567: 1900 Grand Army of the Republic Official Souvenir Badge

US Medal-Token

This is an official souvenir badge from the Chicago Encampment in 1900 hosted by the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). The GAR was founded in 1866 in Decatur, Illinois after the Civil War as an organization for veterans. The group was both a way for veterans to commemorate their experiences and worked as one of the first organized political advocacy groups; the GAR eventually became a branch of the Republican Party. Every year from 1866-1949, the GAR held a gathering called a "National Encampment," and this badge comes from the 1900 meeting.
The top of the badge is shaped like a banner and reads "On the record of our years Abra'm Lincoln's name appears, Grant and Logan and our tears. Illinois - Illinois." The bottom half is shaped like star and features 3 silver attachments and additional text indicated the badge as an "Official Souvenir." The silver embellishments depict Abraham Lincoln flanked by two figures on horses. Below the images is a banner that says "Chicago Encampment. GAR. 1900."
The obverse side of the badge also has important information, as well as the clasp used to fix the badge to clothing. Under this clasp are the words "S.D. Childs. Makers - Chicago," which indicates the manufacturer of the badge. On the bottom part of the badge is the phrase: "This is to certify that this badge is made from captured cannon." - the darker metal in the badge came from a captured Confederate canon during the Civil War. In small letters it says "Pat.APL'D for" which is an abbreviation meaning that a patent has been applied for. Under that is the signature of the commander-in-chief of the GAR in 1900: Albert Duane Shaw.
Post-Civil War

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Numismatic Collection: Donor Unknown (NUM.2003.000)